Does It Spark Joy?
Tidying is just a tool, not the final destination. The true goal should be to establish the lifestyle you want most once your house has been put in order — Marie Kondo
Get Tidying
First, consider how you want to live and your view of your ideal life. Use Pinterest, magazines and the internet to create a vision board. This will be invaluable for those times when you're losing momentum or become stuck at a category.
Then go through each of the five categories sequentially. Start with your clothes, as it is the easiest category to get the spark joy concept. Then complete your books, papers, Komono (miscellaneous items such as stationery, kitchenware, food, toiletries and makeup, children's toys etc.) and, finally sentimental items. It is advisable to complete all five categories of The KonMari Method™, to ensure it has a significant and lasting impact on your life. Print our free sliderobes konmari checklist to help you get started!
Chose three items that spark joy for you. Pick them as if you were identifying items you love from a display in a shop. Think about how long you have owned it and how often do you wear/use it?
How Do We Know What Sparks Joy?
When you physically hold or touch an item, does it light you up? It may prompt a special memory or make you happy when you see it or touch it or, it can be an item that streamlines your day.
If you have difficulty with the joy concept, ask yourself:
- Would you repurchase it today?
- Would you take time, money and energy to fix it if it gets ruined?
- How do you feel when you wear it? Are you excited to wear it again?
Store Your Joy
Marie Kondo recommends folding as the main storage method. Folding takes up less space than hanging and, when you fold the KonMari™ way, you show appreciation for those items. As you run your hands over the material you can check for any worn or damaged items.
When appropriately folded your clothes will have a sweet spot and, you can store them standing up, yes, that's right, standing up! Organise your clothes so you can see where every item is at a glance. If you use shelves or have no drawers, you can use boxes or baskets for storage. Watch our videos for details on how to KonMari fold.
Hang all clothes that flutter in the breeze, are prone to creasing or look happier when they are hanging. Hang them with the longest items on the left side of the wardrobe so they rise to the right,. The key is to make a sudden change that has a profound impact. When you tidy your space completely, you transform the scenery around you.